“Spheroid Memories” is a brilliant piece of video art that works like a diary of the mind of one of the most imaginative and radical artists today. The visual narrative follows sculptor Angel Orensanz throughout 2001 and 2002 around the world. It opens in Paris, follows with the Biennale of Venice, moves on to Tokyo, to Manhattan before 9/11 and after, ending the year with the Biennale of Florence. It records the present year with astonishing takes in Reggio Calabria (Italy) to continue with Berlin and ending at Ground Zero in New York. The director and editor have not followed a chronological sequence but a remembrance and reenactment of proustian flare by which the memories and the experiences are rearranged to a mental sequencing of breathtaking rhythms. We are treated to a harrowing narrative bracketed by Central Park. This green expanse of New York operates as a cradle and a burial of the city. In between , there are two other points that move the narrative forward and backwards; those are the building of the Angel Orensanz Foundation and Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan. Throughout those locales “our hearts and minds gallop, contemplate, enjoy, laugh and panic to the point of desperation” (Derek Bentley).
This documentary will premier at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Tuesday the 19th of November.. The public release will be at 11 AM at the Uris Center Auditorium; and is an important feature of the General Meeting of the National Association of Women Artists. This is a 21 minutes documentary, directed by Professor Karl Bardosh, master teacher of film and television at the Tisch School of the Arts of New York University, and edited by Zoi Floros. The music that is equally powerful as the images consists of recordings played live at the Angel Orensanz Foundation over the last five years, and includes segments from Haendel, Rossi, Beethoven, Verdi and many contemporary musicians.
This documentary has been previously shown at the First Biennale of Austria in Klegenfurt; in Dusseldorf (Germany) during the retrospective exhibition: Ángel Orensanz. “Skulpturen Zeichen” and by Spanish National Television.. Copies of “Spheroid Memories” can be ordered from the Angel Orensanz Foundation, 172 Norfolk St. New York, NY 10002; Tel. (212) 529-7194; or by e-mail at: orenfound@aol.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it . Its cost is $9.00 including postage and handling. It is available in VHS, Mini DV or CD, both in Pal and NTSC format.
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