Your participation is urgently requested to raise funds for “Beslan Relief” to aid families of schoolchildren massacred by terrorists in Beslan, Russia. All proceedings will be delivered by representative of the Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia directly to the city of Beslan.This Event is produced by Goldstaub & Associates, Press and Public Relations Agency E-mail:
Since 1994, the Angel Orensanz Foundation has organized numerous charitable Art-projects to aid handicapped children in Saint Petersburg and other cities in Russia. The Russian Museum Art Center for disabled young students is one of many Russian Cultural Institutions that has benefitted from the continuous support of Orensanz Foundation and people like you.
In the past 10 years, UCOR ( has been one of the most dynamic Russian Charity Organizations to raise funds for young victims of terrorism in the Caucasus region of Russia. All UCOR fundraising projects has been conducted under personal patronage of Russian president Vladimir Putin.
Planned for January 13th, 2005 is a grand celebration of Russian New Year’s Eve (Nutcracker’s Night) starting at 6 PM till midnight at Angel Orensanz Center for the Arts, 172 Norfolk street (south of Houston St.), New York City. Scheduled is a “Vodka and Caviar” cocktail reception, performance par magnificence of “Russian Balalaika” band and exhibit of colorful works of art by students of Saint Petersburg Russian Museum Art School and by Angel Orensanz.
Your participation will be warmly greeted along with international stars of Russian Ballet and other Arts, revered members of Russian Nobility in America Association, and other distinguished guests in this extremely important endeavour.
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